Friday, February 12, 2010

Catching Up

Wow- it is already the middle of February and I haven't written in my blog in a while. A lot has happened. The most recent event was my parents 3 week visit to Thailand! It was a busy but fun 3 weeks. The first week we took a vacation to Southern Thailand to Bang Niang Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. We stayed at a small resort called "Cousin's Resort". All of this area had been destroyed 5 years ago by the tsunami so all of the resorts are new within the past 4 years. Every evening we went to the beach to watch the sunset and it was beautiful.

The remaining 2 weeks we spent in Bangkok. I had to work at the University part of the time so I sent my parents out and about around Bangkok on their own. No worries because I sent them with a map and cell phone. I usually took them to the place they would explore the day before so when they went alone it would be the 2nd time and things would look familiar. They did a great job navigating around Bangkok!! They got to see lots of parks, shopping centers, and tourist sites.

Part of the time I also just took them to see my work here and introduced them to my friends and students. I took them to the University one day and they got to meet many of the students and even met a few new ones that day. I also took them to the BSC for a Friday Night Life event. They went to my church (Canaan) with me and even endured the long Sunday events (church, teaching English, 2nd service at church, bicycle park, and then dinner at the mall). I think they got to meet almost all of my Thai friends so we made the most of each day!

It was a busy 3 weeks and the time went by really quickly! Now I am back to my routine today which meant I studied Thai this morning for 1 1/2 hours, then had a meeting, and then went to Friday night life and dinner. Who is going to visit me next??

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