The past 8 weeks have flown by so quickly and now I am going to try and reflect on what I have learned. I am just going to include the highlights:)
1. Spiritual Warfare exists!
2. Die to self so that I can make little of me to make more of God!
3. Be a learner not a knower!
4. Be a servant (Jesus was a servant in Mark 10:45) "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
5. Remember Your Purpose (John 4:34)
6. CPM (Church Planting Movements) house churches/small group Bible studies
7. Rapid multiplication--Multiplication means I reach someone who shares it with someone else who then shares it with someone else.
2 Timothy 2:2- And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
8. Become a student of the people I am ministering to in Thailand—know more about Buddhism then they do
9. Language learning is going to be hard! Thai is a tonal language which is one of the most difficult languages. Practice, practice, practice
10. Witnessing in a person's "heart language" is the best way to lead someone to Christ!
11. There are many persecuted churches/individuals who make a stand for their faith.
12. Mobilization is important--involving churches, individuals, family members, and friends to join in my work in Thailand through prayer, going (short term trips) and giving (Lottie Moon Christmas offering)
13. Power in Prayer! Building a prayer team is necessary!
I could keep listing the many things that I have learned in the past 8 weeks but I will stop there. More highlights to come in future entries:)
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