Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trip to America :)

I wanted to write about my trip and post some pictures before I forget about all of the fun things that I did. I actually sent a list of things that I wanted to eat when I was there to my mom a few weeks before I went and she came through on all of them and even beyond :)
MONDAY-After flying for over 30 hours I arrived in Myrtle Beach Monday night. I didn't have any trouble sleeping that first night and adjusted to the time change quickly.
TUESDAY-The next day I went and got a hair cut and shopped a little with my mom. Lunch that day was a delicious shrimp salad that I had at a fabulous restaurant on the ocean.
WEDNESDAY- Day with my dad. I had lunch with my mom and dad at a little restaurant in Conway and then Dad and I were off for the day. We went to see a movie (both of us cried), shopped a little, and then had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants "PF Chang's". It was a fun day!
THURSDAY- Fly to Michigan. I had to wake up early and catch a flight to see my family in Michigan. I was greeted at the airport by my grandparents and 2 aunts. We then drove so I could meet my cousin's new baby boy (Miles). He is adorable.
FRIDAY & SATURDAY- Spent both days in Brown City just hanging out with family. Another Aunt came to town so I got to see all of my aunts:) I am thankful that I have such a wonderful family!! My grandma cooked some of my favorite foods (lasagna, pecan rolls, cheesy potatoes)
SUNDAY- On a plane again flying to Georgia! My sister and mom picked me up at the Atlanta airport. We went to a great Mexican restaurant for dinner and then finished the drive to my sister's house.
MONDAY-WEDNESDAY- Spent 3 days just hanging out with my sister, mom, and 2 nieces. I didn't get to see my oldest niece Hughes as much because she is in 6th grade and very busy. I really enjoyed spending time with all of them and one night we even had smores out by the campfire.
THURSDAY- Drive back to Myrtle Beach. Mom and I woke up early and headed back to MB. We stopped in Savannah for lunch and walked all around for several hours. It was a fun day although my mom had to do all of the driving because I can't drive (my driver's license expired).
FRIDAY-Day with my Dad again :) We tried getting me a new driver's license but I didn't have any proof of residency so that was out. Dad and I had lunch at a great restaurant in Conway, test drove a car just because we wanted to do it, went shopping at the outlets (my dad was such a trooper), and ate salmon on the grill for supper.
SATURDAY- Helped clean a little and went on a journey to help dad buy new glasses at the mall. The highlight of the day was eating filet mignon on the grill!!! I did drive that day because my dad's pupils were huge. I was glad I remembered what side of the road to drive on since it's opposite of Thailand.
SUNDAY-Church- I shared with my parents' Sunday school class about Thailand. My cousin Jill and her husband Nathan came for lunch. My best friend Dana arrived in the evening just in time for pizza!
MONDAY-Great lunch at Abuelo's with parents & Dana. Dana and I went to the outlets again for more shopping:) This time Dana did most of the shopping but I had fun watching. Dinner was at a great Italian restaurant.
TUESDAY- Dana leaves to go back to DC in the morning and just a few hours later my mom and I leave for the airport to send me back to Thailand.

The 2 weeks flew by but I enjoyed every second of it! It was hard for me to take it all in a lot of the time. I am so very thankful for the wonderful family that God has given me. I got to see so many of them because they were willing to drive extra miles just to see me. I am also thankful for a dear best friend (Dana) who drove so many extra hours just to come and spend a few days with me. I am very very blessed!

I came back with lots of new clothes and some great gifts for my Thai friends. Pictures will be in the next post.

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