Monday, April 18, 2011

Cleaning and Decorating

Today was my day off and I had many things to do. I desperately needed to dust my apartment and sweep and mop the floors. I woke up and did those things first along with washing towels and sheets. Then I decided I really needed to put up all of the things that I have bought in the last month or so on the walls. Remember I live in a one room apartment and it's a very small place. I have to learn how to use my space wisely. Overall, I am pretty proud of myself that I can live in such a small place and keep it fairly organized and clean. I have posted a bunch of pictures below. I'm guessing it won't take you long to figure out that my favorite color is red. I have lived in this place over a year now and at different stages some of the wall decorations have changed. Most of the changes are because things keep falling off of the wall and I can't get them to stay up there. I'm having to improvise and find something different to put up there in it's place. Please let me know what you think. I try to make it look the best I can for the time I'm here and with the budget I have (which isn't much). Enjoy :)

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