Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Party Outreach

One of my goals is to have an outreach event once a month. I always have them on a Saturday evening from about 4:00-7:00 p.m. Each one has a different theme and different kinds of food. This month I decided to have one the day before Easter and call it an Easter Party. My original idea was to make cookies and decorate them and have a few other snacks. I decided to change that idea when one of my Thai friends offered to make Mango and sticky rice as a dessert. It is a very delicious dessert and Mangoes are in season now so it's the perfect time to do it.

I also planned to make brownies that day because Thai's love American brownies! I have them at every party. We also bought bags of chips and soda for the event.

The day of the event around 3:00 a terrible storm arrived with torrential rain. The streets were flooding and the power went out in the church. I was not able to cook any brownies because of the water in the kitchen and then the power went out for many hours.

It ended up working out just as the Lord planned. We had around 20 Thai people who came and I was able to tell the story of Easter to a room full of unbelievers. I was hoping to have more people but because of the rain and other circumstances the number of people was less. I try to always remember that whoever was able to come that day is who the Lord wanted there (no more/no less) and find joy in resting on His Will to be done.

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