Monday, April 18, 2011

Update on Life

I have not been blogging much for several weeks so this post will just give an update of some of the things happening in my life these days. *I finally went and had a physical at one of the hospitals (after being here for 2 years) and all is well! I don't know why I put it off for so long but am happy that my health is good! *I am still keeping busy at 2 Universities and the BSC *April 13, 14, 15 were days off for Songkran (Thai holiday). My Thai friend (P'Pom) and I went to visit our friend Jai in southern Thailand for the holiday. I have been to that area once before with my parents so this was my second time. I got to see a few more beaches and waterfalls this time around. Just a little summary of the last few weeks.