Monday, April 20, 2009

Back on Schedule---I like routine!!

I enjoyed the 2 week vacation from language school but am thankful to be back on schedule! Today I began Module 3--yeah!!! There are different teachers for each module and this time I have a lady (Wathanee) who has taught for 33 years. She definitely has experience. She speaks a little fast but I actually understood a few of her jokes today and followed most of what she was saying. There are always moments when I have no idea what is going on but I still love being in school.

Today was also my first introduction to learning how to write Thai letters! There are 44 consonant symbols and the vowels go in weird places in the words. Sometimes the vowel goes above, below, or beside the consonant--yikes! I learned how to write 4 vowels today and I feel like I am in art class. There is an art to making these letters and art was never my strong subject in school. I had to write the 4 vowels over and over on one whole page for homework.

I hope I survive Module 3:) I need my brain to keep storing information even if it is full.

on a side note--I also started learning how to play the guitar. I have always wanted to learn so one of my friends from church started teaching me on Sunday afternoon. My poor fingers were so red and irratated from the strings but it is lots of fun. I learned a few chords and hope to be able to play a few songs soon. I will let you know how it progresses.

I am glad to be back on a schedule even if it does mean I have to get up at 6 a.m.

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