Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I finally have something in language school that I can brag a little about:) In Module 3 I am learning how to read and write in Thai along with speaking. Most of the time I feel pretty lost. At this time I have learned how to write 9 long vowel symbols and 24 consonant symbols. On Tuesday the teacher (Khruu Wanthanee) gave us 19 different word dictations and we had to write them in Thai. Guess what??? I was the only one in class who wrote all 19 correctly in THAI!!!! I was so excited!! Khruu Wanthanee even showed the whole class my notebook:) She really tries hard to encourage me because she knows I am struggling. She is a tough teacher but I know she is just what I need. I prayed during my 2 week break that the Lord would give me the teacher that I needed for Module 3 and she is definitely an answer to prayer.

Thanks for reading my blog and rejoicing with me over the small triumphs! I may have set the standard too high for myself--I am not sure that I can do it again but I will sure try!

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