Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rest & Relaxation

I love Saturday's! I slept in til after 10:00 am and just relaxed most of the day. I took one trip to the Tesco/Lotus (like Wal-mart) to get a few things and other than that I just stayed home and rested. I also got to talk to my friend Dana on skype, which it was the first time since I arrived here that I got to talk to her and see her face. I am so thankful for technology! It was so great to talk to her and catch up on her wedding plans and life. I am always amazed at how distance doesn't affect the closeness of friendships and family. Although they may be physically thousands of miles away they are always close to my heart.

You probably feel like you have heard me say this a million times but I truly feel so blessed to be here in Bangkok for such a time as this. I took some time today to write down the different opportunities of ministry and relationships with people that have been built since I arrived 2 months ago and am in awe of all of it. I am watching unbelievers being drawn to God's Word and seeing believers grow all around me. What a mighty God we serve!! He deserves all the praise and glory.

1 comment:

danabrown said...

Yay! Thanks for the shout out! It was so great talking to you on Skype! I miss you sooooo much!!!