Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lesson on Complaining

I have been studying about Moses in my Tuesday night Bible study. This weeks lesson was in Numbers 11&12. I encourage you to read it this week just to be reminded of how the Israelites complained a lot and forgot about how God had given them freedom from slavery in Egypt and how Moses was burdened with their many complaints. I wanted to share a few of the highlights from the lesson tonight.

1. Complaining reveals that our hearts are ungrateful/dissatisfied.

2. When we fail to give thanks we fall into complaining.

3. We must find our satisfaction in the Lord not in people and in the world!

4. As believers we are responsible to apply what we learn about God in our lives. Don't complain

****5. As believers WE ARE RESPONSIBLE to encourage our leaders (pastors) not burden them with complaints!

6. Take it to the Lord first and expect Him to take action!

7. If what you want doesn't match what God wants for you be prepared for hardships and don't complain when they arrive!

8. God provides exactly what I need when I need it so don't complain ahead of time!

9. The Lord will vindicate His servants. Just keep serving and don't complain because God is the final authority.

I wanted to share this because it really reminded me that complaining to others is not honoring to the Lord and that He wants us to share our burdens with HIM. I find myself daily trying to keep my mouth from saying things that are not honoring to HIM--it is a daily process and I am thankful that I serve a forgiving Father.

1 comment:

danabrown said...

That is a great lesson that I know I needed to be reminded of. Complaining is such a bad habit! I think so many times we just complain because we're trying to fill the air with something, at least that's what I catch myself doing, terrible!